Thursday, September 11, 2008

fido, 2006

Director: Andrew Currie
Starring: Carrie-Anne Moss, Billy Connolly, Tim Blake Nelson
Tagline: Good dead are hard to find

Basic plot: Idyllic 1950s American small town in the aftermath of Zombie wars. Humans have figured out how to control the zombies (using a collar to curb their flesh-eating desires) and use them as servants, workers, girlfriends, etc. This is the sweet story of a young boy who befriends his family Zombie, Fido, and what happens when Fido's collar mal-functions....

The opening B&W sequence to set up the story sets a great tone for what is to follow. The color saturation of the film itself as well as the choice of houses, cars, hair and clothes creates the classic 1950s americana look. Sitting down to watch it, I wanted it to be good. I wanted to enjoy it - I wanted it to be funny and silly and captivating. And it was. No long review here - it's a cute zombie movie.

Favorite things:

1. The B&W newsreel introduction.
2. Zomcom.
3. Head coffins.
4. The giving of the gun.

HIGHLY Recommended.